Thursday, June 4, 2009

Getting fit

Man it takes a long time to get fit again. That dreaded day when you stop to train and you climb onto the very popular gluttony bus, then your form disappears as suddenly as the pay cheque you receive at the end of the month. Suddenly you battle to get rid of the simplest of bad habits and then, when you look again, you are an over weight and unfit lazy couch potato. With your latest athletic achievement reduced to a mere distant memory which is now used by your sub conscious to beat the crap out of your already 'drowning' confidence.

I am definitely NOT a dietitian, but when it comes down to losing weight, it all boils down to the following: you have to burn more energy than you have than you consume. Burn more kilojoules than you put into your mouth.

Now listen to this interesting fact: in order to loose 1kg of body fat you have to burn around 37,000kJ! Quick diets which make you loose 4kg in the first week only comes down to water loss. Not fat loss. Loosing fat is a long and hard and 'lots of self discipline' road. And that 37,000kJ is over and above your daily meals and drinks.
Lets look at this example. Lets say you consume 10,000kJ worth of energy daily. Now you decide to start using your tekkies again and to bend some iron at the gym. Lets say you burn an extra 1000kJ per day like this. That means that you will burn an extra 5,000kJ per week (only train 5 days a week) and 35,000kJ per month - wham! There you dump your first kg! You are overweight by how much? Do the math may take a while, but you will get there.

I have dumped 7kg the last four or so months, but I have also built some muscle in the gym. And taking that muscle is heavier than fat, that makes the scale not very accurate regarding fat loss. With 7 still to lose till April 2010, I have lots of time!!

I ended up with a bit of flu and stomach sickness this week and that kept me from three days of training. I don't mind to miss a few days when I am sick, because usually when I keep on training in the cold air then I tend to drag it out my recovery for two weeks or longer. You can't get unfit or get fat in a week so I just chill out and enjoy the off time!

Just want to thank Raoul at for a brilliant wine show over the weekend. When I went there I thought it would be a small thing, but man was it cool! With over 200 exhibitions and LOTS of wine to drink it was the most fun I've had in a long time. My suggestion is to do this twice annually and covert the whole country to the industry! Well done! please visit his web site and support his cause.

Have a good one and remember: be strong and live hard!


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